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Certification Compliance
Badger Metal Tech and its processes are
ISO and QS compliant. We offer FREE certification
and documentation for every tool if requested or needed.
Every tool receives a
documented "Receiving Inspection" to check for incoming shipping damage and
to check/confirm existing Rockwell "C" hardness measurements before and
after heat stress tempering, if applicable. The tooling then is thoroughly
cleaned and fixtured to prepare for processing and to prevent contamination
while in the controlled atmosphere equipment.
is performed at room ambient conditions in a controlled environment. By
using almen strip certification (C,A,N), both before and during processing,
our customers are assured repeatable compliancy. The process will not change
needed die casting or tooling needed tolerances. The "T" process designates
specific application pressures, velocity, dwell, media size, classification,
and process steps that develop the specific *compression curve. These
shaped compression curves have been researched and developed exclusively for
perishable tooling of hot and cold work tool steels. All process call
outs used are documented for future reference to provide the repeatability
and consistency. This is especially important when applying repeat
applications of
MetaLLife we perform complete protective masking, fixturing, and plugging of core pin* and ejector holes*. Logos, part numbers, etchings, engravings, and other close tolerance dimensional areas such as sharp edges, draft angled surfaces, and possible undercut areas are protected and masked.
We recommend the use of dummy core pins
inserted by the customer for areas where it important to close radial cracks
or maintain flatness of the surface around a hole
Our patented
post check assures proper coverage even to harder areas that previously have
been welded or repaired.
*compressive texture is a by-product
proportional to the hardness of the surface of the tool.
It should not be confused with the resultant effective compressive stress
If our new combination process
requested, we apply
has been performed.
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