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April 1995 Bulletin
(modified in 2002 to include ThermaLLifeÒ)

Flow Chart To Maximize Tool Life
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Everyday we are asked - What steps should I take to prepare the tool so that tool life and performance is maximized? In response to this we have prepared a flow chart that is beneficial to first time customers who are preparing their tooling for the MetaLL ifeÒ and/or ThermaLLifeÒ process. This, in conjunction with NADCA's published "E-501Die Care Maintenance Manual", will assist every die caster to obtain performance and extended tool life than was not possible 15 years ago (before the benefits of compressive stress were confirmed and studied.).

To see this flow chart in
 greater detail, click on it

Sometimes we are queried about the effect of polishing a die after MetaLL ifeÒ to remove some of the topography. This is especially common for zinc dies where a hardware finish is required. Polishing does not reduce the compressive stress benefit but rather adds slightly to it. Removal of all of the topography, however, will affect the increased lubricity and flow benefits which some die casters, such as magnesium, desire or need.


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