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NADCA User Guides - Free to
Corporate Members
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Volume #020-06-07

Badger Metal Tech, Inc.

June 2007
User Guide Links


NADCA has just published a NEW users guide - ("Relieving Stress in Die Casting Dies") by using Heat Stress Temper and MetaLL*ifẻ.  This new guide includes a technical overview of die casting die stress, heat checking causes, and the methods used to combat them.  In addition there are test results conducted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory which support the positive effect of inducing MetaLL*ifẻ compression to extend die life.

Besides this there are two other useful User Guides also available from NADCA.  Corporate Members can obtain 1ea copy of these plus many other publications FREE

by just logging onto the NADCA website. The sidebar buttons in the newsletter are direct links to the NADCA site and the specific page where these "User Guide" publications can be ordered.

With these in hand, die casters now have FREE access to the three key ingredients for extending tool life.  First choose a quality certified die steel, heat treat it correctly, then relieve the residual tensile stress build up, that shortens die life, by using heat stress tempering followed by MetaLL*ifẻ.  Finally care for the tool by following the recommended maintenance procedures.

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In the September 2007 issue of the Die Casting Engineer magazine, the first of a two part article will be published on "Understanding Residual Stress Effects and Corrective Action For Die Casting Tools".

Much has been written about the benefits of heat stress tempering, however, proper shot peening technique remains a mystery or unknown proven quantity for many die casters. This is the first of a two part series that attempts to explain some of the facts surrounding this type of mechanically induced compressive stress, along with the controls that are used to assure obtaining the maximum benefits from our proprietary MetaLL*ifẻ process.

In part 1, we discuss general peening’s History, Definition, Stress Curves, Depth, and the manufacturing effects that shorten

the life and performance on a far too significant number of die casting dies.

Part 2 in January 2008 will continue the discussion regarding the MetaLL*ifẻ process, its numerous benefits, special controls that maximize these benefits, new technologies in the field, and some case studies that validate and confirm the benefits.

Have you ever wondered what part cavitation effect has on breakout and erosion?  We answer this question which may surprise many die casters who equate breakout to heat checking when they are actually two different modes of failure.

Want to find out more?

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More tips to come in future newsletters

Badger Metal Tech, Inc.
N60 W15088 Bobolink Ave. Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin  53051
Phone: 262-252-3804 Fax: 262-252-3956
Email: infonow@badgermetal.com
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