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Enhanced Flow Characteristics

Die casters know that a completely flat surface makes it impossible for metal to flow and fill cavities correctly. MetaLLife purposely creates a uniform micro textured surface. This micro topographic change allows metal to flow more uniformly and helps to reduce flow marks, which sometimes become visible when castings have subsequent coatings or painting done to them.

The wave action of the topography also breaks up the entrained gases in the molten metal. This produces castings with more homogeneous porosity distribution of the smaller trapped gases instead of the large random areas.  The reduction in porosity and laminations allow quicker and easier polishing of castings when required.  The changed surface helps buffer cavitation effect.  This leads to a much more destructive die failure mode - metal break out.  For these reasons the runner and gate of all inserts are automatically included areas for processing with MetaLLife.

Magnesium castings are stronger and lighter than aluminum so their wall thickness is usually less. Proper flow is critical in such applications.  By applying MetaLLife, the magnesium die caster is able to obtain this necessary flow without laminations, porosity, and cold shot flow marks.

The MetaLLife created surface is uniform  and has complete coverage without stress risers or sharp areas that would lead to premature failure of the tool.  When MetaLLife is followed by ThermaLLife, the changed grain boundaries allow more nitrogen and carbon to be diffused into the surface.  This raises the fatigue resistance of steel.  See: Journal of Solid Mechanics and Material Engineering - Vol 2 No 11 2008

Related Topics > Cosmetics



Uniform coverage and saturation 100x

runner and gate included


Page updated on 08/21/2010

Some web pages were last modified 08/21/2010
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MetaLLifeÒ and ThermaLLifeÒ and TooLLife are registered or in process with the US patent and trademark office.  Intellectual property and graphics contained herein are the sole property of Badger Metal Tech, Inc.